Diet and Lifestyle Counseling


My unique approach to helping my clients heal is holistic. A holistic approach looks at the whole person and is a comprehensive way of addressing signs and symptoms by considering all aspects involved, rather than focusing on just one or two isolated areas. It takes into account our bodies' interconnectedness. I prefer to treat the whole being by discovering the root cause and recommending sustainable lifestyle and food choices to promote healing by helping the body come back into balance. 

During your initial session we will discuss physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of your life. My aim is to create a holistic understanding of your unique constitution. My approach recognizes that addressing one dimension can impact others, and therefore, a holistic strategy is needed to address the person's needs comprehensively.

This approach integrates well with holistic practices in various fields such as healthcare, coaching, counseling, and personal development, where understanding the whole person is considered essential for effective support and guidance.

During your follow up sessions we will discuss how the recommendations are going for you, and the progress you have made with the signs and symptoms we discussed in your initial session. We will address any new concerns you may have. After a thorough evaluation I will make adjustments to your recommendations.

You will complete one initial session and three follow up sessions and then we will evaluate your progress and desire to continue working together to create balance within your body, mind and spirit.

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